Effects of Type II Diabetes Mellitus on Serum Creatinine Level Estimated Glomerular Filtration Rate among Type II Diabetic Sudanese Patients Living in Khartoum State September December 2020
Background: Diabetic kidney disease (DKD) is one of the most frequent and dangerous complications of Type II Diabetes Mellitus (DMII), affecting about one-third of the Diabetic patients. Diabetic nephropathy is one of the most common and serious complications resulting from DMII. In addition to the increasing complexity of outpatient care for patients with DM, DKD results in increased hospitalization and mortality rates, especially due to cardiovascular complications.
Objectives: This study was designed to evaluate the serum creatinine level and estimated glomerular filtration rate eGFR among type II diabetic Sudanese patients attending to Abdulla Khalil Diabetes Center in Omdurman.
Methods: A cross sectional hospital-based study was carried out during September - December 2020 included 100 type II diabetic adult Sudanese patients attending for followup in Abdalla Khalil Diabetes Center. The participants were not known to be suffering from any other kidney problem. All participants were assessed after taking their consent by a questionnaire for medical history information covering demographic data, duration of the diabetes, type of treatment and their compliance, nutritional history, other chronic health problems, other diabetic complications and smoking history.Body mass index was calculated after measuring the height and weight by the standard techniques. A sample of five ml venous blood was taken on the suitable blood containers to investigate the fasting blood sugar and serum creatinine level using a fully automated mindray B 300 device.
Results: The mean age of the participants was55.8 12.1 year (65% of them were females and 35% were males). The mean of serum creatinine and fasting blood glucose levels were 1.02 0.85mg/dl and 199.4 77.5 mg/dl respectively. The mean of eGFR was 93.2 31.7 ml/min/1.73m2. According to the eGFR criteria, 13% of the participant have impaired renal function test. In patients with impaired renal function test 53.8% of them have fasting blood glucose of 200 or more mg/dl,69% have hypertension hyperlipidemia, 69% of them have had the diabetes for 10 years or more, and 77% of them have other complications of the diabetes.
Conclusions: our to be rewritten! This is just repetition of the resulrs. results showed that, 13% of the participants have impaired renal function test (eGFR), 77% of them have other complications of the diabetes, 69% have hypertension hyperlipidemia, 69% of them have had the diabetes for 10 years or more, and 53.8% of them have fasting blood glucose of 200 or more mg/dl.
- 2023-12-03 (2)
- 2023-12-03 (1)
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